Saturday, October 31, 2009

Megaten to Hit N.A. Shores!

"Shin Megami Tensei Online has just received a rating by the ESRB which means it'll probably be headed to the states fairly soon!" - Casey Shreiner

Oh G4TV you make me cry. A friend told me G4 talked about an SMT MMO. Apparently G4 knows everything about video games and we'll have two parallel Megatens running at the same time (lol?)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Indi's Build

So I got bored one night and lethed one class worth of expertise (random ranks from bless and curse) to pick up Kamaiitachi for funsies. I must admit -- it's rather fun to do something other than spam curse spells at people when I'm forced to go solo to cap points or if there's nobody really worth it to enhance. Damage isn't that bad either. On an off-pulsed target I hit around 400-600 and on a crit around double that.

Although with the 2x weekend (that's already started and I really should be grinding) I've lethed rush away to pick up hexing again since Kamaiitachi is virtually useless in Ichigaya Gold Camp runs. I've returned to my primary duty as an offensive-defensive-support enhancer with absolutely no DPS of its own.

So I started working on a couple demon projects. Ever since Kohana left I can't see Galactic Frost Punch (disregarding the fact that I've only seen it once) so I decided to raise my own Rainbow of Victory Jack Frost just for that. After funsies with that I'm planning on rebirthing this funky Yaksa. It's so cute~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fifi got brokez

Finella's always been a wealth of information on Megaten. That's the source where most of the good players learned from and spread to the rest of the community. Without her we'd have horrendous players.

diablopanqueque is a person who insulted Fifi and won't even care to apologize. She slowly took down here site from modification chances to her actual blog.

diablopanqueque you DISSAPOINT ME!

As with Rain Blog if you have any anonymous flames you want to submit send me a message on the forums at GoddessOfStuff.

Join the Anti-Diablo Movement and fix Fifi!

Read up on Clan Destiny's blog for a full story. D:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FC Reviews

Veuve Noir's Curse - 600 AP

Rares: Halloween 07 and 08 Vouchers, Pumpkin Sickle, Little Devil's Sickle, Phlogiston, Comet Sweeper, both M and F Kuerbis Tops and gloves

07 is statless, Little Devil's Sickle is good for grinding anything that uses MP, Pumpkin Sickle's fairly useless but I suppose it has its random plus factors. 08 gives a nice ice resist boost and a 12% fire boost but the boosts are a bit outdated since there are a lot of better sets out there right now. Phlogiston is amazing -- enough said. Also Comet Sweeper's a fun item that lets you FLY! It's stats are great for enhancers and the int boost is better than the Azoth for synthers as well.

This FC's consumables are fairly decent but the Pyro Jack and Cait Sith Masks are something that could definitely convolute your inventory since everything can't stack. Roaring Passion, Slashing Thunder, Soaring Flight, and Heavenly snow aren't that bad since they still give that nice boost in your damage.

Ariadne Threads are great for all you lazy bastards and Balms of Life are great if you don't want to lose that exp in fail pick up groups. I suppose the Chakra Candies and High Emergency Cures aren't that bad.

8/10 -- if only for Phlogiston and Comet Sweeper

Boost UR EGO - 400AP

Rares: Cabinet Pro (2x) x100, Material Sequencer II x100, Four-Leaf Clover(Class 6) x100, Power Extractors (2x) x1000, Sparrowblade, Royal Scepter of Demonic Blood, Jackpot

Boost UR EGO's not that bad of an FC. Sparrowblade's pretty useless, Royal Scepter got nerfed in price but it's a useful weapon to anybody, and Jackpot's just a terrible version of Avalon. Additionally, with the sensation of crafting 5 slot weapons this FC's amazing for that.

There's some junk as fillers too. Shard of Hiten and the like's outdated -- you're better off getting Blood-Drain earrings instead. The boost rings are there too but they're not the most useful thing anymore. There's a butt-load of chances for cabs and sequencers.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Sad Indi is Sad

In PvP people get competetive.

It's also when friends fight and mud is thrown.

It's the one aspect of Megaten where people change.

Indi is sad because a lot of friends are changing with it.

Can't we all just have fun? Fun without any animosity toward each other?

B> The memories of four months ago

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sore Losers

When the odds are against you and clearly you're going to lose, you have two options.

1.) Give up and not do anything
2.) Don't give up and fight till the end

So you decide to pick option 1. Why? You're just wasting your time and your dura (while dura loss isn't out) going to fight. So of course, this option is the logical choice. I loathe people who choose this choice.

There's also option 2. You don't ever give up even though the odds are against you. You're fueled by foolish pride or a loyalty to your team. You're going to lose, why not in a blaze of glory?

The only time I find option one remotely acceptable is if the entire team just gives up and stays in spawn camp. Of course, if you have most of your team giving it their all then you have no reason to be dead weight to them. If you have gear, use it -- don't just unequip because you're too puss to take a scar or two. It's a lot more respectable than running like a coward.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

LoveGuardian and Camping~

So today I decided to PvP on my melee, Indi`N`Chiru. Being Neutral and borderline Chaos, I was hoping to be bumped to Law in a Fate match. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and it had enough Law players to keep me on Chaos.

Chaos was stacked and it was already a one-sided battle. Most, if not all of the Law Players had given up and stayed in their camp about 9 minutes into the match. In my party, I saw LoveGuardian start heading over to the Law Camp. Initially I gave him the benefit of the doubt and headed over there to see if he was just being attacked.


He toggled Lord of Armor and was hopped up on Protection Incense and spinning his Ose and spamming heals. So I decided to rage-leave the match because I didn't want to be on a team with a player who wants to dick measure like that. I left and hopped on my Main to enhance for Law. I was invited to run 4 Kings but I declined and said I was going to PvP just to hunt down LoveGuardian for spawn camping. Apparently, when he was confronted with spawn camping he denied it along with incense accusation. Of course, I was lagging horrendously bad as I have been this past week and I died three times (I also balmed three times because I was just that annoyed).

Anyway, LoveGuardian's a braggart and I lose more respect for him the more I see him around. Then again he is the "greatest" enhancer we've ever seen. I mean he totally knows everything about enhancers so he'd never ask anything stupid.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So my main (Indicative) was created for fun and ended up being transformed from a Failee into the perfect PvP Enhancer build (of course that's debatable on its own).

I pretty much had one PvP partner and that was Rho. She also spoiled me because I didn't find that many other people 'worth it' to enhance. So the busier we got, the less I played on my main and I ended up pursuing a side project.


Just a few days ago I had this burst of motivation to get off my arse and hit the grind again. Rho's build, the one she made for Indicative, is no secret as long as you know how to do basic algebra. That aside, I really wanted to get that extra 1k of Expertise in so I could tinker around with my build. Two options and two possibilities.

=-Hit Rush for Kamaiitachi and lulz. If the damage is just disgustingly low then I'm going to cry in a corner.
=-Hit Curse for Slow Cure and specialize in my job.

In the end, I think I wanted to hit the grind out of nostalgia in using my first char that brought me back into Megaten. It doesn't feel right leaving it incomplete so I'm actually working on bringing it to 90.


So I've finally jumped on the bandwagon of writing blogs and whatnot.

I suppose that after lurking and wandering the internet I've found myself needing to write without subjecting myself to netspeak 24/7. So here I find myself writing and writing about nothing in particular. Rather than simply go on and on about nothing, let's do the typical introductory post etc. etc.

The name's Indicative, got it memorized? (Oh heaven help me I did just do that)

First off, my current obsession involves Megaten, an online game based off of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. It's developed by Cave and the version I play is essentially ran/published by Aeria.

I picked it up back in January and played on and off for about a month. Due to my computer being fairly crap at the time as well as the friends I played it with had gotten bored, I took my leave as well. I picked up Megaten around June with a new computer and started playing it again. Needless to say it was a much better experience since I didn't have to turn it down to shit graphics.

Let's see... I clan hopped quite a bit before I found my roots.

No Clan --> Nephilim --> CruXis --> FOXHOUND --> Eos --> Rain --> Rain & Destiny

No clan wasn't bad since I ended up meeting some fairly friendly faces in comparison to my first time playing back in January.
Nephilim was this random clan I made out of boredom.
CruXis was a slightly inactive clan but I made a few friends there who poofed sometime later.
FOXHOUND was a bit too... family-ish. Just felt really odd being in that clan.
Eos was fairly fun and active as well.
Rain was the clan I ended up taking root in and am still in. From July till now I'm in the clan and became the submaster once we actually opened it up to recruits.
Destiny was a clan I decided to join when I felt like I needed a break from Rain. Now I'm not saying it's like an emergency clan from Rain or anything. It's a really fun clan and I get to see the different personalities between it and Rain.

Honestly, I wouldn't have played this game as long as I would have if I had never wandered around and found Clan Rain's blog and ended up meeting Rho and later Pearz. I learned almost everything from both of them and with this wealth of knowledge I've enjoyed the game a lot more since then.


I've made a number of characters on the same account -- let's take a quick browse:
Level: 80
Class: Regal (Retaliation with Aeria's version)/Curser/Enhancer
Clan: Rain
Note(s): This was my first character ever. Initially it was a massively fail melee with expertise spread haphazardly all over the place. Med science, destruction magic, counter, guard, spin, rush, attack, etc. This char has quite a bit of history to it and it's essentially what I spent most of my Megaten life on. I was too lazy to look on the forums and whatnot for information as to how to improve my build and such. I was a Failee (Melee + Fail?).

It wasn't until I was looking for someone who made reviews for FCs that I happened upon Clan Rain's blog (Google ftw) and got bored and PM'd Rho in-game because she seemed more friendly than the rest. Then she got me into PvP which raped my dura and I had this Gae Bolg obsession. Eventually I ended up joining Rain and being converted to her mule/enhancer. QQ

Level: 8
Class: Mule
Clan: Rain
Note(s): Holds mah DCMz

Level: 21
Class: Mule/DD?
Clan: Rain
Note(s): Holds random crap.

Level: 4
Class: Mule
Clan: Rain
Note(s): Holds Runestones.

Level: 77
Class: Regal Melee/Enhancer
Clan: Rain
Note(s): Name came from In`N`Out Burger and Chirugai's name being fused with mine. It's lightly funny because she's a Vegan lulz.

Level: 10
Class: Mule
Clan: Rain
Note(s): Holds random clothes?

Level: 3
Class: Mule
Clan: None
Note(s): Holds idk?

Level: 22
Class: Mule/Talker/Enhancer/Shot?
Clan: Rain
Note(s): I've been meaning to raise this up but it turned into a mule D: . My plan for this was to make a character whose focus was purely on demons.

Level: 3
Class: Mule
Clan: None
Note(s): Holds stuff.

Level: 21
Class: Crit Rapid or Melee/Rapid (not sure yet ftl)
Clan: Destiny
Note(s): Other than being a rapid, I have no plans set in stone for this char.

And there you go -- a brief introduction of Indicative.

Final note: The blog url is an L not an I. Someone took Indicative already QQ. Also, it's sort of to poke a jab at another player named lnstict who chose to use an L than an I. rofl